Special Issue a Children-Basel “Language Development in Children: Description to Detect and Prevent Language Difficulties”

Special Issue a Children-Basel “Language Development in Children: Description to Detect and Prevent Language Difficulties”

Special Issue Children-Basel «Language Development in Children: Description to Detect and Prevent Language Difficulties» Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla, Miguel Pérez-Pereira, Elisabeth Serrat & Daniel Adrover-Roig González-Valenzuela, M.-J., López-Montiel, D.,...
Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children

Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children

Pérez Pereira, M. & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2020). Language development and Social Interaction in blind children. Routledge L’edició clàssica d’aquest text fundacional inclou un nou prefaci de Miguel Pérez-Pereira, que examina com s’ha desenvolupat el camp des de la...