One of the first milestones in the formation of a meeting space for researchers studying language acquisition in our closer academic context dates back to the “First International Congress of Applied Psycholinguistics”, held in Barcelona in June 1985 under the presidency of Dr. Miguel Siguán. This was probably the first occasion in which those colleagues interested in language acquisition had the opportunity to make contacts at an international meeting attended by leading scholars in the field of Psycholinguistics. Since then, there have been a number of forums in which those of us researching in the field of developmental psycholinguistics have participated, but none as specific as the triannual congresses of the IASCL (International Association for the Study of Child Language).

The first ones with a growing presence of researchers who contributed later to the creation of the AEAL were held in Budapest (1990), Trieste (1993) and Istanbul (1996). Subsequently, the VIII IASCL congress held in San Sebastian in July 1999, chaired by Itziar Idiazabal, was a major turning point where the colleagues from the Basque Country did an excellent job that contributed strongly to the prestige and visibility of the researchers from our academic context. Finally, in the congresses in Madison (2002) and Berlin (2005), prior to the constitution of our association, the extensive participation of researchers from our contexts in the IASCL was consolidated.